
Drug Monitoring in Ukraine

Drug Monitoring in Ukraine

The monitoring, as is, was inaugurated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Monitoring Drug and Alcohol Situation in Ukraine” of 10 July 2019, No.689. This Resolution approved the monitoring procedure, objectives, data collection sources, and monitored agencies, as well as the indicators defined by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), UNO Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB).

Initially, the monitoring functions were assigned to the Center for Mental Health and Monitoring Drugs and Alcohol, which in 2021 was reorganized in the Institute of Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatric Examination and Drug Monitoring of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.



As of 08 September 2023, the drug monitoring functions are under transfer to the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health

Drug Monitoring in Ukraine Overview

Drug monitoring in Ukraine and its objectives:

  • To identify negative trends for trafficking in drugs, psychotropic substances, precursors, alcohol, and new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances (PAS), associated with drug and alcohol addiction in Ukrainians.
  • To identify new threats to the national security resulting from illegal trafficking in PAS, as well as to identify the factors that cause those threats.
  • To prepare suggestions on how to prevent illegal trafficking expansion.

Drug monitoring in Ukraine and data collection sources:

  • state statistics
  • information/data from monitored agencies, according to the indicators, defined in item 8 of the Drug Monitoring Procedure
  • information and analytical documents of the monitored agencies
  • data collected from the profile scientific and sociological studies
Image for drug monitoring in Ukraine at the Institute of Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatric Examination and Drug Monitoring

Drug monitoring units’ main responsibilities:

  • collection, processing, consolidation, and analysis of analytical, epidemiological, statistical, and other information on psychoactive substances from public, private and non-governmental organizations on the prevalence and incidence of psychoactive substance use
  • assessment of the socio-economic effects of psychoactive substance use, the prevalence of infectious diseases associated with their use, as well as the related death indicators
  • creating and keeping databases for the information on psychoactive substances
  • long-term systematic monitoring of the situation with trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogs, and precursors, counteraction to their illicit trafficking in Ukraine, analysis, and forecasting of changes
  • carrying out the monitoring of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogs, and precursors, combating their illicit trafficking in Ukraine pursuant to the requirements of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
  • development and maintenance of the information systems for monitoring psychoactive substance trafficking, as well as the creation and maintenance of electronic monitoring systems
  • sharing and exchange of information at local, national, and international levels
  • interaction and exchange of information with other national and international organizations or institutions that are engaged in supporting the profile research in Ukraine on epidemiological and other sociological aspects of monitoring the drug and alcohol situation
  • preparation of the National Report on Drug and Alcohol Situation in Ukraine (hereinafter the National Report) pursuant to the international requirements, as well as its sharing at the local, national and international level
  • summarizing the practice of applied legislation on monitoring the drug and alcohol situation in Ukraine, working out suggestions on improving the decrees of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, regulatory and other legislative acts
  • carrying out the interaction and exchange of information with relevant international organizations on trafficking in psychoactive substances, pursuant to the international agreements of Ukraine

Contact info:

103-A, Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04080, Ukraine, – State Institution «Institute of Forensic Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine»


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