
Forensic Psychiatric Examination Research Unit

Forensic Psychiatric Examination Research Unit

The Forensic Psychiatric Examination Research Unit of the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is the only research unit in Ukraine that investigates systematically scientific and practical issues of forensic psychiatric examination and develops new approaches to its improvement.

Unit’s main responsibilities:

  • To carry out scientific research related to forensic psychiatric examination issues.
  • To provide advisory assistance in organizing and conducting forensic psychiatric (comprehensive forensic psychological and psychiatric) examinations.
  • To hold continuous professional development events for forensic psychiatric experts and specialists in related areas.
  • To provide a scientific component of the educational program of doctoral training within the Unit’s area of activities.

Provisions on the Unit 

Scientific and Research Potential:

No. Name Scientific Degree Academic Title Position and Contact info
1. Andriy KANISHCHEV Candidate of Sciences in Medicine Head of Unit


2. Oleksandr REVENOK Doctor of Sciences in Medicine Professor Leading Research Associate


3. Olena KOZERATSKA Doctor of Sciences in Medicine Leading Research Associate


4. Oleksandra RADZEVILOVA Candidate of Sciences in Psychology Leading Research Associate


5. Krystyna ZELIASKO Full-time Postgraduate Student



Andriy KANISHCHEV – Head of Unit, email:

Working hours: Monday-Friday, 9.00 – 16.00.

Unit’s Scientific Research Activities:

– Development of organizational and methodological approaches to the forensic psychiatric expert evaluation of adaptation disorders in combatants 2020-2022

Reg. No.: 0120U101494

Forensic psychiatric evaluation of addictions due to psychoactive substances in criminal proceedings: methodological and organizational aspects 2017-2019

Reg. No.: 0117U000449

Development of the model of medical and social management of post-traumatic mental disorders in participants in hostilities and persons temporarily relocated from the zone of combat operations and occupied territories (prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, examination) 2015-2017

Reg. No.: 0115U001445

Forensic psychiatric evaluation of alcohol dependence in the civil process 2012-2014

Reg. No.: 0112U001233

Mental and behavioral disorders in persons who suffer from cancer and taking narcotic analgesics (clinical-psychopathology and forensic psychiatric aspects) 2009-2011

Reg. No.: 0105U000738

Publications of Unit’s Staff

Recent news

Institute’s Functions Changed

The Institute will focus on forensic psychiatry issues after its renaming The Ministry of Health of Ukraine transfers the drug monitoring function from the state institution “Institute of Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatric Examination and Drug Monitoring of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” to the state institution “Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health […]

Announcement on Updated Edition of the Statute

State Agency «Institute of Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatric Examination and Drug Monitoring of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine» informs that the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine #2065 of 27 September 2021 approved the Statute of the Institute of Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatric Examination and Drug Monitoring of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine» […]

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