
Drug Monitoring

Memorandum of Understanding with EMCDDA

Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) of 28 January 2010

of understanding between the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

Date of signature: 28 January 2010
Effective date for Ukraine: 28 January 2010

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), based on Regulation (EC) No 1920/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 (recast), O.J. L 376/1 of 27 December 2006 – hereinafter referred to as ‘the Parties’,

Recalling the framework established by the European Neighbourhood Policy and particularly the revised EU- Ukraine Action Plan on Freedom, Security and Justice in June 2007,

Being guided by the principles and aims of existing multilateral international agreements on drug control,

Expressing their wish to develop a framework of mutual cooperation in the field of information on prevention and responses to illicit drugs use, in line with international and EU standards,

Recognising that information on the drugs phenomenon is an essential and indispensable instrument for the drafting and implementation of drug policies and for the evaluation of the impact of actions to reduce the problems originating from drug use and trafficking,

Interested in developing between the Parties and their respective partners in the field of expertise and knowledge, an exchange on methodologies aiming to develop harmonised indicators of drug situation evaluation and information systems,

Having regard that the Ukrainian Medical and Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Alcohol of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the UMMCDA) was appointed as the Ukrainian national centre on collection and analysis of comprehensive data on drug and alcohol situation in Ukraine,

Taking into consideration the results of high-level working sessions between the Parties in Lisbon in July 2007 and November 2007.



To set up the cooperation between the competent bodies of Ukraine and the EMCDDA in collecting, processing and disseminating of information on drugs.

To continue the work on further developing joint methods of monitoring of illicit drug use with the purpose of harmonization of their results and to elaborate and improve joint harmonised indicators of drug situation monitoring and evaluation systems.

Working relationship

Within their respective legal framework, the Parties shall invite each other to attend meetings convened under their respective auspices and which consider matters in which the other Party has an interest or technical competence.

In particular, the UMMCDA will elaborate and present to the EMCDDA an annual report and analysis on the drug situation in Ukraine, as well as other necessary information.

In particular, the EMCDDA will facilitate training, the exchange of experts and results of scientific research on problems of illicit drug trafficking and monitoring of the drug situation, as well as on other issues of mutual interest.

The Parties will establish a regular exchange of information concerning new types of drugs and psychotropic substances to appear in illegal circulation, the technologies of their production and use.

The Parties will not divulge information or documents received from the opposite Party without the preliminary consent of the Party that provided the information.

The EMCDDA and the UMMCDA will each designate a member of their staff for the maintenance of close, direct and continuing contacts with a view to ensuring the implementation of the provisions of the present Memorandum of Understanding.

Final Provisions

This Memorandum will enter into force after signature by both Parties and is enacted for an initial period of five (5) years.

Should neither of the Parties notify the other of its intention to terminate the Memorandum, its validity shall be renewed for a further five (5) years.

The Memorandum shall cease to be in force six (6) months after the date of receiving such a notification.

All disputes concerning interpretation and implementation of the Memorandum provisions will be settled by means of negotiations and consultations between the Parties.

This Memorandum of Understanding is produced in two original copies in English and Ukrainian languages, both being authentic.

Place of signing: Kyiv 28 January 2010.


For the Ministry
of Health of Ukraine
For the European Monitoring Centre
for Drugs and Drug Addiction
(signature) (signature)


Wolfgang GÖTZ


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